Custom Search

2]Forum Marketing Techniques:
Are you aware that my friend that i told you earlier who was making $500

a week didn't use the above method?

Yes he applied just this strategy I am about to explain and yet he

made BIG bucks from it until he had to stop doing e-covers.

A forum is an online gathering where groups of people with the same i

deas and vision meet to share thoughts together for the benefit

of one another. An example of a forum is in this place you

get to meet over 60,000 people who are members of the forum or

should I say 60,000 potential clients.

Week 1--You learn and master how to design any e-cover

Week 2--Design samples of any kind of e-cover

Week 3--Apply method 1 or 2

Week 4--Expect hundreds of dollars to start rolling into your account.

I hope I have been able to prove to you that this business is very lucrative

with or without a website. With a little research on your own part

you are guaranteed to succeed.

Before I round off for today's teaching let me quickly state that you

will be receiving your payments through paypal
So you must have a paypal account.
I have come to know that I won`t be able to give ALL details like

I earlier planned lik the videosthat explains the e-cover design but

while writing this am thinking of alternatives which I will explain i

n other mails, meanwhile don`t take that as an excuse if you think you

can go for this e-cover design then get started with something today!

but if not wait till tomorrow for another business ideas that Will fetch

you BIG bucks in 2008